How I am overcoming my FEARS and ANXIETY

Ankit Agarwal
5 min readJan 16, 2022


The earth is enjoyed by heroes — this is the unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say, ‘I have no fear’. Tell this to everybody — ‘Have no fear’. Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in this world have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear” — Swami Vivekananda

Fear of death, fear of rejection, fear of the crowd, even that anxious feeling when an unknown number flashes on our smartphones, and the list goes on and on. You might be facing any of these or maybe all, even I have been the victim of these.

The cause for such fears might be our past experiences or the rigid mentality that always stops us to try something new. But these fears and anxiety have prevented us to interact, growing, and discriminating between right and wrong.

Here I will share my experience of How I am overcoming my fears. Trust me I just followed some simple steps and I can see a massive change in my mentality and how I now look at things.

1 — Breathing exercises or Pranayam

Breathing exercises not only work as a miracle for our physical health but also for our mental health. I have added them to my daily routine in the morning. Every day in the morning, I go to the roof along with a yoga mat and there I perform these 3 exercises or Pranayam.

Bhastrika Pranayam –

this is one of the best breathing exercises that one can perform, it not only strengthens your lungs but also calms your mind.

Steps to perform the Bhastrika Pranayam

  • Sit in the Padmasana position with the spine straight and eyes close.
  • Inhale and Exhale about 10 times, if you are a beginner then I would suggest not to exhale forcibly either do what feels better.
  • Now take a deep breath
  • Hold it as long as you can, but do not force yourself
  • Exhale slowly
  • Perform the same for some time

I perform this pranayam for 10 minutes, I increased my time for holding breath slowly, initially I did that for 10 sec and gradually increased the time. Now I hold my breath for more than 1 min and it calms me.

There is even research done on this pranayam that how it calms our mind and helps to fight anxiety.

Anulom Vilom or Alternate breathing technique

There are enormous benefits of Anulom Vilom, it has not only helped me to control my thoughts but it has also improved my inner health.

Steps to perform Anulom Vilom

  • Sit in the Padmasana position with the spine straight and eyes close
  • Close your right nostril with the right thumb and inhale from your left nostril
  • Now close your left nostril with your right middle and ring finger and exhale from the right nostril
  • Repeat the same process for sometime

I also perform this pranayam for 10 min. Anulom Vilom has so many benefits, I can not describe how it is helping me in my day-to-day tasks. Just start doing it and you will feel numerous benefits from it.

Meditation –

After performing these two pranayams for 10 min each, I do meditation for the next 10 min, I am a beginner in this process and still trying to concentrate my mind during the process. It is a bit difficult process at the starting, but with consistency, we can perform it. I am trying to focus more on it and will surely share my experience.

Steps to perform –

  • To perform meditation, I sit in the same padmasana position
  • I close my eyes and try to focus on the middle of my forehead

2 — Positive Self-Talk

Positive self-talk always helps me to overcome any difficult situation, I make myself understand that nothing lasts forever even the bad things.

Always talk positively to yourself and support yourself. I always say my mind to work hard and to learn something new. Our mind has enough power to control things that going in our minds. It’s all about mindset, how you think about yourself.

Since the day I started believing myself and told my mind that I can do this, I can see a significant change in my attitude. There is so much to say about this topic and there lie hundreds of benefits of this small change.

We have always heard that even if a single person is not believing you but if you believe in yourself, trust the energies inside and around yourself, you will gonna succeed.

3 — Reading

Reading different books and updating ourselves with new things gives us the next level of confidence. At least as much confidence where we can share our experience or thoughts with others.

I started my book reading journey with a self-help book and now I am reading different books like biographies, Novel and science fiction. Reading different books has impacted my mind, thought process and is bringing a new way of looking at the world.

Along with reading books, I have also subscribed to some of the best knowledge-sharing platforms on YouTube. These YouTube channels help me to get updated with all the current affairs and new changes that are taking place.

These are some of the changes that I have brought in my life and all of them are helping me to craft myself and my mind.

I would like to add that I am not an expert in this field, I have just shared things that helped me and it might or might not help you. Your condition might be worse than this and if you are having any kind of negative thoughts please talk to someone who understands you or you can talk to an expert.

But I believe that consistency and self-belief is the key, love yourself, and make yourself feel great again no one else will do this for you. Lead your life from the front and don’t let any negative people or thoughts stop you.

Make yourself so knowledgeable that people have to think before speaking any bullshit in front of you. Create your aura of a happy, kind, and knowledgeable person.

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Thank you for reading.

